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April 7, 2020 in BEAUTY, BODY, SKINCARE

If you have read my blog before, you have read about Esteli before. As the first natural skincare brand ever to believe in my blog, Esteli holds a dear place in my heart. However, it is not only because of this reason that I love the brand. It is the quality of the ingredients, the effectiveness of the products and the fact that my skin thrives of me using them.

This time I will be talking of the last few products I received from this natural skincare line to try, and let me make it easy for you, they did not disappoint. I have been using them for quite a while now and had been meaning to write about them. I thought as I shot the video that it was THE perfect moment to do this recap.


And of course I remind you that Esteli makes their products with the highest quality natural ingredients. Their formulations are kept very simple and using only good stuff. There are literally no unnecessary fillers or suspicious ingredients here. When I use Esteli I feel it is what I would use if I lived in a deserted tropical island. Making skincare right from nature, that is the best way to describe Esteli.

And in case you haven’t read my previous posts about Esteli, you can check them out here, here and here.

This time, I will be talking about the Planta exfoliating grains, Todo Bien stress relief wand, Palmarosa body oil, and Ojo de Agua soaking salts. And because I love working together with natural skincare brand Esteli, you can now use code LIVINGANANDA10 (affiliate code) for 10% off your purchase!

Planta-exfolliating grains

Planta Buff Exfoliating Grains by Esteli

Exfoliating is one of the most efficient ways to keep your skin free of dead skin cells. It also helps your skin to be able to drink up all your moisturizers and serums. This product is so amazing and does just that. You can mix it with water or your regular cleanser and just start buffing those dead skin cells away. I do love that it does not leave your skin feeling dry and that is so convenient to use.

With ingredients like adzuki, black rice, rosehips and honey, these exfoliating grains also helps get rid of impurities. Also, it improves circulation and helps prevent acne, fine lines and hyper pigmentation. And since you don’t need a lot of it, this bottle will last you a looong time. I use this grains 1-2x a week and I have used probably about 1/4 of my bottle and have had it for well over a year. I’m telling you don’t need a lot.

Todo bien – stress relief wand

Todo Bien Stress Relief Wand by natural skincare brand Esteli

As I start researching more about wellness, I have learned a little of how powerful essential oils are. This relief wand comes with a green aventurine roller ball. I have been loving using it when I am working on my blog or editing videos. It helps me keep my mind clear and less stressed. Made of a combination of peppermint, lavender, black pepper and rosemary CO2 extract, the scent is so mesmerizing. I keep it at my desk and when I feel overwhelmed, I roll a little bit on my wrists and palms and just inhale through my hands. It relaxes me immediately.

palmarosa – body oil

Palmarosa Body Oil by natural skincare brand Esteli

I have mentioned before that I switched from using body lotions to body oils. They seem to work better for my skin. Now this body oil, is the best one that I have tried so far. It is lightweight but rich at the same time, it leaves my skin moisturized and even looks soft. I like to apply it with wet hands to spread it evenly without using too much. My skin absorbs it so fast without leaving a greasy feeling on top of the skin, which I love because I hate putting my clothes on and feel the greasiness. Some of the key ingredients are golden jojoba oil, camelia seed oil and calendula.


Ojo de Agua Soaking Salts by natural skincare brand Esteli

This is the latest product that I have tried. Do I love it? You guessed it! I used to not be a bath lover I will be honest. I have a huge pet peeve, the drain and my feet it just make me cringe. But having read how good salt baths are for detoxifying your body, I am now a convert. It is because of the scent these bath salts release, that I feel like I’m at the spa.

The ylang ylang and palmarosa scent that the bath releases is just amazing. I even sometimes just go to my bathroom cupboard and just open the jar to catch that incredible scent. It also has dead sea salt and epsom salt which are awesome for that detox factor and green clay to help draw out impurities as well. Just writing about it makes me want to go back and start filling that tub again…

Go and check their website here if you want to hear more about the ingredients, products or about this amazing natural skincare brand itself. And remember to use code LIVINGANANDA10 (affiliate code) for 10% off your purchase.

Check the video I made talking all about Esteli products below, and subscribe to my YouTube channel where I share much more stuff here!

Natural Skincare by Esteli
Luisa C

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