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life changing periods with semaine

September 15, 2020 in Uncategorized

I never thought having painless periods was possible. I thought the only way to be free of pain was a matter of getting lucky in the gene pool. But no, Semaine is here to change the period game for all of us that never knew it was possible.

Let’s start with a question. How many of you have always thought that the only way to deal with all the multiple annyoing symptoms that comes with being a women on her period was to “get on the pill”? Yeah, me too. And you know what? The more I read about this topic the more I realize that this is all bull crap.

I am not the most knowledgeable person when it comes to the power of natural ingredients (or any topic really) but I do strongly believe that nature has provided us with everything we need. I have said this many a times before. For this reason and topics we’ll touch on later, this is why I have less faith on Western medicine as time goes by. The approach of curing the symptoms instead of the real problem is worrisome and not only that but the use of medication is out of control. They give you one pill to cure one thing but ends up messing other thing and so the cycle begins. There is a time and place to use the Western approach, but for me it is just not very often.

But again I digress, I was talking about the power of nature is because Semaine is all about that. And you’ll see here in a minute.

About the Brand

Semaine was created by two sisters, Cat and Lar and the husband of one of them. After having suffered immensely from painful periods at different stages of their lives, they were both diagnosed with endometriosis. They wanted to find natural solutions that would help them deal with the pain in a more natural way. Lar’s husband, after watching her deal with all the painful periods, he jumped in as well. After investigating how plant extracts worked to lower inflammation, they came up with a wonderful formula.

Cat and Lar, like myself, were led to believe that period pain was normal, and that we had to deal with it. I’ve heard this from doctors many times. I have even gotten the occasional “it’s all in your head” bit as well. How can it be all in your head, when you are sweating cold, getting dizzy, and can’t think of anything else but the stupid pain be all in your head? It is just ridiculous. This is the point that they are trying to change. Women’s health and more specifically period pain is not taken seriously.

And that is how they came up with their first product, the Semaine Plant-based period relief. A supplement that needs no prescription and uses only natural ingredients. And let me tell you, they are so powerful that they are changing the game. Period.

semaine period relief

And what does this period relief supplement do, you ask? Well, literally everything. It helps lessen cramps, reduces bloating, lowers stress, relaxes muscles and increases energy. These are all issues that come during our period that may seem very mild and inoffensive, but the truth is that they can get very annoying, specially when they come at ya all together. I should know.

These are basically my symptoms every time, plus add a headache here and there and swollen breasts. For me it all used to happen around a week or two before getting my period. Break outs and my skin looking dull was the first symptom, then my boobs would be so unbelievably sore that taking my bra off would hurt.

How do you take them?

Ok, this is a very important question. Semaine likes to keep it simply and since all their ingredients, which we’ll talk about later, are super effiicient, you only need to take them the week of your period. You start with two days before your period, and if yours is irregular, you kind of just “eye ball” it. By doing this, you are prepping your body for what’s to come and it keeps it a step ahead before the symptoms kick in.

You take two capsules in the morning and two in the evening, and you can take them by themselves or with food. Doesn’t matter. They don’t leave your mouth with a gross aftertaste and I haven’t had any problems with feeling an upset stomach or anything of the like.

The bottle will last you for one week, 28 capsules total. 4 for each day of your period. You can buy your bottles one by one or save some $$$ with a subscription. You can set it up to get it when you need it, pause it or cancel through your account. Easy Peasy. You can also save some more bucks using code LUISA20 (aff code)

The ingredients

Here it comes, my favorite part! Okay so as I said before the ingredients Semaine uses are all natural and non toxic. They put a great amount of effort into finding the best of the best ingredients to use in their supplements. Each ingredient is as good as the other, no fillers, no additives, just good stuff.

  • Vitamin D3
  • Magnesium
  • Ashwagandha
  • Boswellia
  • Curcumin
  • Green Tea
  • Quercetin
  • Resveratrol
  • Silybin

That’s it. That’s all the ingredients, and as simple as they look, they truly are amazing and help you have a healthier, happier and pain free period. Lots of them target inflammation which is one of the main problems we face during this time.

Where can you get semaine?

I am so happy to share with you that I have a discount code you can use for every bottle or subscription of Semaine and that is LUISA20. And you can purchase your subscription or a single bottle through their website (affiliate code and link)

my experience using semaine

Right now it is my second time using Semaine, but let me tell you my experience so far. My last period was the first time using the supplements. I started taking them two days before getting my period. The first day for me is always the toughest. I usually have to stop what I’m doing and lay down, get my heating pad and deal with that for most of the day. After taking Semaine, laying down wasn’t necessary. I got some super mild cramping for maybe 30 minutes and then it went away, I didn’t feel anything else for the rest of the day.

The bloating usually comes a few days before my period, and after the third day, my body is back to normal. This time the bloating wasn’t as bad, it was barely noticeable. My energy levels were not affected . I can’t say I have super high energy levels all the time but I didn’t feel any drops in energy like I do most of the times, where all I want is to lay down and watch TV eating junk food.

The most important part for me was that I didn’t get any cramps. In my high school and college years, it was terrifying to think of my period because they were the worst. The pain probably lasted a few hours but it would get to the point of me crying, throwing up, and fainting. It was not easy, and certainly not fun.

final thoughts

After being disappointed so many times by doctors, with their only solution being getting on the pill. I had to take the matter into my own hands, I couldn’t believe that that was the only way to deal with my issues. I was done dosing up on ibuprofen and hoping for the best.

It took me many years to try to learn about my body but I still didn’t have it under control. Semaine came as a blessing, after having suffered for 15 years of mostly painful periods. The formula works amazingly well. I’m not surprised, the research and the quality of the ingredients shows in how effective it is. It may take a few periods for it to help you balance out your symptoms, but I assure you it is a great great ally to have.

I do think Semaine needs to go hand in hand with changing our lifestyles to accommodate for pain free periods. I’m so happy that there is more research and that more light has been shed on this, a very real problem. It is helping us understand how complex our bodies are. I along with taking Semaine, I have started learning about seed cycling, what foods help our female selves thrive and what exercise rotation I need to be doing.

I find it all so enlightening and I’m loving every second of this process. And I do have to thank Semaine for being sent from the starts to help me with what I thought was impossible to deal with 10 years ago.

I talk more about my menstrual history in this other blog post, in case you are interested. I am always so eager to talk about this topic so I will be sharing more about it here! And also, you can watch the video I did recently for Semaine below 😉

Luisa C

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