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Grow your lashes and eyebrows naturally with circe

August 21, 2020 in BEAUTY, SKINCARE

Ok I think this is the longest I have been without writing a blog post! Unacceptable. But I am now making myself accountable and will continue writing because I love doing it and love sharing with you my passion this way. And I am getting back to the grind talking about brow and lash serum from Circe.

There are serums out there that offer lash and brow growth but at what cost? A lot of them have mysterious and even harmful ingredients that end up doing more harm than good. But Circe, Circe is different.

About the brand

The creator of Circe, Sarah, learned from a young age how powerful Traditional Chinese Medicine is. Having found success with acupuncture and using herbal remedies, she became a true believer in TCM. This I can definitely relate to, I’ve always thought about trying acupuncture but never really knew how powerful it was. Until I stumbled upon an acupuncturist at an event 2-3 years ago. She basically cured my severe allergies with a 15 minute session. I couldn’t believe how efficient it was and that it had no side effects whatsoever. I came back to her every spring while I was in Oregon and I recommend it to all my friends .

Anyways, I digress. Having had this experience, Sarah started studying and learning more about this powerful and much different way of healing and doing such research she found the best ingredients from TCM to create Circe’s serums.

Circe Beauty

the serums

Circe carries two different products, a lash serum and a brow serum. The ingredients from each vary only slightly but the biggest difference is the applicator. Some of the ingredients are: Angelica, Ginseng, Rehmanni, He Shou Wu, White Peony Root, Ecliptae Herba,  Cacumen Platycladi and  Ligustrum Fruit. On Circe’s website, there is a great description of how these ingredients help with healthy lash and brow growth.

They come in the most gorgeous dark glass bottles, that look super chic in your counter. I know that that is not a factor to determine if a product is good or not, but it is a great plus. They are small but oh so mighty. Since you don’t need much, they will last for a long time.

lash serum

Circe Lash Serum

The lash serum has a pointy felt tip applicator that makes it easy to apply in the lash line. And for faster lash growth you can also glide the tip along your lashes. That really makes it work twice as fast!

After a couple of weeks I started noticing that my lashes were looking longer and I could also see new lashes growing. My lashes have always been on the longer side but they were always very frail looking. The serum made them stronger and somehow thicker, making my whole lash line look fuller.

Brow Serum

Circe Brow Serum

The applicator for this serum is like the one for lipglosses. It makes it much easier to glide through the entire eye brow area, and helps with combing the hairs a bit. First use a brow brush to brush them upward to promote some lymphatic drainage and then apply the serum upwards. This leaves you with a Jack Nicholson looking set of brows. But I mean you are going to bed not the Met Gala so it shouldn’t be a problem. By doing this you stimulate the hair to grow in that direction, to avoid getting messy or downward looking brows.

I have to say that the brow serum may have been the star. I have always struggled with basically non existent brows. And of course over plucking in my teenage years din’t help at all. To the point that it was what it took way longer to do my brow makeup more than anything else. And if you don’t know, having to paint your brows so that they can simulate something resembling a natural brow is no easy feat. But using this serum I immediately noticed new brow hairs growing. Slowly but surely, my brows started getting fuller and fuller and now they have a totally new shape. They are fuller, the hairs are thicker therefore my brow is more pronounced now. Even if I’m not wearing makeup now, you can actually see my brow shape.

One thing that I was expecting, was that new hairs would grow in the upper part of the brow. But I have noticed that the majority of new hair growth was actually under. This is what helped create the new shape, which is now less of an arch and more like straight angles, if that makes any sense.

final thoughts

Circe brow and lash serums are amazing. The fact that they offer results with no harmful chemicals or side effects is a big plus. They also have a sustainable way of doing business, using minimal and recyclable packaging.

Using TCM is a whole new approach that I haven’t seen in brow or lash serums of this kind. I had been so close to getting other “natural” serums but kept hearing about how people were not impressed. Reviews said the products didn’t leave up to the hype or that the price didn’t justify the results. Plus hearing about some staining your eyelid and that just threw me off.

circe beauty lash serum

These serums, although they a bit higher price range, are very effective. I haven’t seen any side effects at all, no rashes of any kind and more importantly the hair growth is natural.

I wouldn’t expect a crazy faux lash look, which is totally fine by me. It will definitely give you a fuller, more-enhanced natural look, and that is what we are going for right my peeps?

I will leave the website over here for ya to check the serums out and also you can check the video I made recently about it below.

circe beauty lash serum
circe beauty lash serum
Luisa C

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