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Hunny bunnies, you guys know I am OBSESSED with skincare. I always talk about skincare that you put on your body, but what about skincare that you put in it? In today’s post, we are talking about just that. It is such an important fact and I feel like it is rarely talked about. So, let’s talk about it. And we’ll talk about Copina Co vegan collagen booster while we’re at it.

Copina Co’s vegan collagen booster powder was only released last year, and since it launched, I was intrigued. A few months later I was contacted by them to see if I was interested in joining their Clup Copina Co. and I mean if that wasn’t meant to be! So after trying three of their four flavors in the space of a few months now, I feel like I now can make a proper post about them.

Ever since I realized how important and impactful your diet was to have clear skin, I have been constantly researching, reading, listening to learn more about what I can do to keep my skin looking good. And one thing that seemed like everyone talked about was collagen.

the truth about collagen

Ok so, collagen. Collagen is a protein that you can find in your bones, blood and skin. It is responsible for skin’s elasticity and keeping our joints healthy. It is made up of several amino acids like proline, glycine, glutamine, arginine, among others. As we age the collagen in our body starts breaking down, which reflects in fine lines, sagging skin and other signs of aging, including joint and bone problems. There are also several types of collagen, 16 to be more precise, and there are some that are most abundant than others.

What I’m about to say here is very contradictory to what A LOT of skincare brands are saying but apparently, topical collagen, meaning what you put ON your skin, is useless. Your skin is designed to keep large molecules out and collagen is a large molecule, so it doesn’t penetrate. Drinking it on the other hand might not be great either. Once in your digestive system, it is broken down just like any other protein. So, that’s a bummer. And even if they did, lots of collagen supplements don’t include all 16 types, they mostly focus on 3 or 4, so even if they did work, you wouldn’t be getting all the collagen types from one supplement. Aren’t you glad you are reading this?

is vegan collagen a thing?

Now, one problem with collagen supplements is that they are not vegan. Collagen is made up by several aminoacids, and you can find some of these individually in various whole plant based foods, but collagen as a whole is not vegan. As I said in the last paragraph, collagen is found in bones, blood and skin, so that’s where collagen comes from.

Now that have established that, there are ways that you can help your body produce more collagen. And you can do this by having a healthy diet including a few plant based ingredients that include the aminoacids that from collagen. OR, or, you can also get Copina Co to give your collagen production a boost, and guess what, it’s a vegan boost.

And in case I got you confused, Copina Co is not collagen, is a collagen booster, which means it helps your body produce its own collagen.

skincare that you can drink

Copina co uses ingredients that are key for a healthy looking skin that are plant based and safe. Basically, skincare that you can drink. Its focus is on making you feel confident on your own skin, and not making it about impossible beauty standards. Copina makes you shine while being yourself. And I love that.

The key ingredients that they use are incredible and each of them on their own are amazing. Now, making a blend that contains all of them, that is just genius.

the ingredients

  • Amla Berry. Used for generations for its beauty boosting properties in India. Aside from being an antioxidant, it also may help prevent the breakdown of certain types of collagen (4,5). It can also help with hair growth. Aside from that, it has other pretty incredible properties that help with immunity, heart health, vision and some studies are being done regarding liver damage, blood sugar levels, and even cancer. It is high in Vitamin C and that is the reason why it has so many amazing benefits
  • Tremella Mushroom Extract. Another antioxidant packed ingredient, as well as full of vitamin D. Tremella is great for keeping skin hydrated and reducing wrinkles, acting like hyaluronic acid but way better, since it is smaller and easier to penetrate the skin and it can hold up to 500 times its weight of water. One study shows that it also reduces cell death in human skin fibroblasts, which are the cells that synthesize collagen. Other great benefits of Tremella is that it has Anti-inflammatory properties, help manage cholesterol, heart disease, and may have anti-cancer and anti tumor effects. Another great thing about Tremella, is that it has great immunity benefits!
  • Bamboo Leaf Extract. Bamboo is the richest source of silica that exists. We need Silica in order to for our body to produce collagen. It is also great for boosting immunity and heart health and stimulating hair growth. And since bamboo is one of the most sustainable plants out there, makes this ingredient even better.

These are the main ingredients in all of their 4 flavors, plus they add monk fruit for a sprinkle of sweetness, and coconut and rice milk powders, for some creamy factor . Also most of their ingredients are organic, I might add.

my thoughts

Although you know I only share with you products that I really like and believe in, I’d like to explain why I like Copina Co. Before I started using Copina Co. I made some extensive research of several beauty powders out there, including collagen drinks. As intrigued as I was to try collagen, I just couldn’t do it. I was not thrilled that it is animal based. One, because I like to steer cleared of animal products for ethical reasons, and two, because it is much harder to trace the purity of an ingredient with all the hormones and such.

So when I found Copina Co I was thrilled to find that this was a much better approach to taking care of the collagen production in my body without compromises. As I received my first package I was thrilled to try it and start seeing the difference in my body.

First off, I was really curious about the texture. For some reason I thought it was going to be chalky, kind of like protein, and since I was planning to drink it like a tea, I was somewhat concerned. It was a happy surprise when there wasn’t any texture at all on my very first cup of Matcha Beauty. And the amount of sweetness is perfect, it is not overpowering and it complements the flavors very well. You can always add more sweetener to your drink if you feel like it.

the flavors

Matcha Beauty is my favorite to drink as a Matcha Latte, served with some frothed oat milk on top. Vanilla is the one I like to mix in with my oats or morning smoothie, and it gives them a wonderful flavor, and in these I do like to add a bit more sweetness. As for the Cacao Calm, I love it the best when I enjoy it with hot oat milk, or sometimes I even mix it with some soothing caramel Yogi Tea, when I need an extra calming.

the results

After a few weeks of drinking it almost every day, I started noticing some changes. First, my hair was feeling softer than it has been in years. Then my nails starting growing super fast without breaking, something that happened often if I left them too long. Then I started noticing that my skin was not as dry and that it was looking a bit more supple. Living in dry weather with super hard water can and will take a toll on your skin so noticing this change on my skin was amazing.

Now that I have been drinking or eating Copina Co for a few months, I can still see and notice the changes and how much they have helped my body feel healthier, and for that and the great, safe ingredients in the blends I will continue using it.

I also have to say that my skin is not the perfect, pore free ideal that everyone wants, but I have come way too far from where I started and I know there’s no amount of products that will change completely how my skin simply IS. But I am okay with that, because, as Carolyn says:

The truth is, we’re the most beautiful when we let our favorite parts about us shine.

It’s when we focus more on highlighting our ass-sets (ahem!) than concealing our so-called “imperfections”.

We’re at our sexiest not when we’re flaw-less, but when we’re confident, happy, and empowered in our own skin!

Carolyn Yachanin, Founder of COPINA CO

If you want to give Copina Co a try, you can purchase it through their website, and while you’re there you can also check several retailers that have it in stock. And if you would like a little discount, I’ll leave it here. Use code LUISA10 for 10% discount, this is an affiliate code and link. I appreciate your support to help me keep this blog going 🙂

And in case you missed it, below you can watch my YouTube video I did recently about Copina Co. take a look!

Let me know when you try it!

Luisa C

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