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June 4, 2019 in DISCOVER, LIFE

I recently shared on Instagram a story that Gigi Pip put out about May Milestones. So, now I want to share a vision board listing the things I am grateful for in May. It really served me well to look over the things that I accomplished through the month of May, it make me feel good about myself and how many things I did tackle of my never ending to-do list. It gave me some perspective of where I am right now and where I have to go.

And so, because of this reason, I decided to start posting about what I’m grateful for each month, starting with May. So many great things happened and I feel I need to take more time to feel grateful about all the things that I get to do. I know not everyone has the means or time to do them so I really need to appreciate where I am in my life rn.

And because I am me, I will also add some visuals of what is on my mind and making me smile. I would love to see what you come up with. It is about the little things that add up to a great happy month.

being grateful

a few links for the visuals:

LEt’s see where June takes us!
