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June 11, 2018 in DISCOVER, TRAVEL

My trip to Puebla and Mexico City was a fun and overwhelming whirlwind. Turns out, we didn’t have much time after all. But it was a blast and now we can’t wait to go back. We went there to attend my brother’s college graduation, and my parents and my younger brother met us there. I have visited Puebla before and loved it, but I didn’t get to see as much as I saw this time, or ate as much for that matter. This time, I ate my weight in delicious food and saw the most wonderful sights.  

We also had some crazy nights out that went all the way through 7 am. Intense, I know, but that is how they roll down there, and we didn’t want anybody to think we were old. I was actually surprised that I was able to wake up and be functional after only 3-4 hours of sleep, which I know is not ideal but since we were on vacation, I decided to let loose.  

Anyways, this is one of my very first trips that I wanted to share with you, and it was hard to take pictures of everything when I wanted to spend quality time with my family and be in the moment. But I got some shots here and there. There is just so much to see and so little time, next time I will definitely have to plan to stay for longer.

M E X I C O   C I T Y


Luisa C

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