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April 11, 2018 in NON TOXIC HOME, WELLNESS

Hey y’all! This post is about small changes you can make in your life in order to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle. We all know the planet needs our help. And even though you might think that what you do doesn’t make much of a difference, think again. Yes, we need new policies to protect the environment, that too. But we can’t/won’t wait until our governments do something about it. After all it would be a little bit hypocritical to not do anything while waiting for them to do something. The good news is that there are so many ways you can help. And, contrary to what a lot of people believe, it doesn’t cost a lot to live an eco-friendly lifestyle. I find it is much cheaper in a lot of cases.   

I found an amazing brand, Natural Home Brands, that has so many products that are focused on sustainable living. And at a great price, seriously. So all of the products I will share on this post are from this great company. But I still recommend you visit their website, and read their super informative blog. I am taking a lot of the information I’m sharing from there.    

All of the tips for a more eco-friendly lifestyle I’m sharing here are to help you reduce waste. And coincidentally it also removes toxins to your day to day life. You’ll see how easy it is to get started and make the switch!  I’m dividing the tips into two posts so that it doesn’t get that long and you are not overwhelmed. The next one will be up next week!  

eco-friendly lifestyle
Luisa C

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