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Hey y’all, so this time around I wanted to talk to you about the Home Detox Box. If you haven’t heard of this fab box, it is a bi-monthly subscription box curated with non-toxic and cruelty free home and personal care products. Each box comes with 3-6 full size items, and it comes with a full description of each of the products and brands.   

  On this very first box launched for the month of July, I got in the box: an all purpose cleaner by Mama Suds, E-cloth polishing cloths, some home-made reusable organic cotton rounds, an activated charcoal soap bar and two very summer appropriate gems, sunscreen by Babo Botanics and an Aloe Vera Sun Mist by Birchrose and co.   

  I personally find this box to be very useful and the products to be of great quality, it is a great value for the price. On top of that I like that they aim to use post-consumer recycled packing products and the products come in either recyclable or reusable containers, so for everyone that is trying to reduce their waste, you don’t need to compromise on that. They also direct a portion of the profits to support the campaign for safe cosmetics.   

  For everyone that is overwhelmed by all the products that are out there and don’t know how to difference a toxic and cruelty free product against one that claims to be safe but really isn’t, or simply don’t have time to make the research, the Home Detox Box is a great option for you. It not only saves you time but money also, since they do all the digging of finding great and effective products and send them right to your home. How easy is that?  

This is also a great way to discover new brands and products that you normally wouldn’t use, and since they are all safe and toxic free, there is nothing to worry about.   Now, let’s do a mini review of each of the products of this month:


I used it this past weekend at the pool and I have no complaints about it. It is white but once you rub it in it disappears. I like that it is reef safe and vegan. I will be bringing it to all my days at the pool and just outside in general. 


This soothing spray is ideal for sunburt skin. It has aloe vera and lavender water, which I must imagine it makes your sun exposed skin feel refreshed and cool. I haven’t been able to use it properly since I haven’t been exposed to the sun much, but I’ve been spraying some on my face and it smells glorious! I don’t want to get sunburned but I feel like this spray would really help my skin. It comes in a 2 oz glass bottle with a spray pump, which can be reused without a problem. 


These organic cotton flannel rounds can be used for removing makeup, applying toner, cleaning your face, etc. It can be used as a normal cotton round, with the only difference that these are reusable! You can wash them over and over again and they will last you more than those regular “cotton” rounds you buy at the store. I like that these where included in the box, and even though they are not hard to make, I have never thought of it! I don’t usually use cotton balls or rounds simply to reduce waste, but now I guess I don’t need to worry anymore. 


I haven’t tried this soap yet (only because I needed to take pictures first) but I can’t wait to wash my face with it tonight. It does smell a little of black pepper which I don’t mind at all, and plus it is made of other really good ingredients such as Olive, castor, avocado, and coconut oil aside from the activated charcoal, which, if you know me, I love me some activated charcoal. I swear by it. Another thing that I’m loving so far is that it comes wrapped in flower seed paper. You just need to soak the paper in water, plant it, and little flowers will grow!


I haven’t had the opportunity to use this product either but I’m eager to try it. I don’t particularly enjoy the smell since it has clover oil, and I happen to be very sensitive to that smell and taste, but I don’t think it would be a very big deal to use to wipe out countertops and the like. it comes in a 16 oz recyclable plastic bottle with a spray top as well that I can reuse once I ran out. 


Destiny wanted me to come across these cloths. They are absolutely magical! You have no idea how much time I would spend cleaning the bathroom mirrors and checking from every angle until I saw no streaks, without much luck. I just tried wiping them with one of these cloths and with only one water I was able to clean them up completely. This is a big deal you people, you have no idea how upset dirty mirrors make me. But I won’t have this problem anymore! and to my surprise, you can machine wash and reuse them. Music to my ears.   

  So, overall, all the products are pretty relevant and I would definitely recommend getting your own Home Detox box. This way you can start replacing your everyday products with safer alternatives, that way making your home a toxin free environment, little by little.     If you are interested to get your own box, you can use the code ANANDA10 all of July for $10 off your first box, and if you want to learn more about The Home Detox Box you can visit their website at

Luisa C

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